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AutoPIPE Ideas Portal

Welcome to the AutoPIPE Ideas Portal. We value your feedback, and our team regularly reviews your ideas and considers them for future improvements to our products and services.

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All ideas

Showing 148 of 148

Tangent Elbows

Hi - is there a way to include consecutive elbows or bends in AutoPIPE? We have a model with back to back elbows and the model does not render the geometry well. Second, it appears that the Elbow forum is missing previous pages. Is Bentley still w...
Guest 7 months ago in Modelling 1 Already exists

Modal Analysis Results to include Modes Normalized

Modal Analysis Results to include Modes Normalized, the normalized result output would greatly help users locate which node points have the highest displacements where additional restraints could be needed to increase frequency at each mode results.
Guest 8 months ago in Reporting 4 Already exists

DXF & DNG export - Add extra informaiton layers

For the DXF and DGN export add new layers for Support Tag No. Anchor Tag No. Pipe Identifier Valve Tag No. Flange Tag No. etc.
Kevin Koorey 8 months ago in Reporting 0 Needs review

Update Coincident Node Check report to include Beam points

Currently, coincident node check report only returns results for pipes nodes that are within the specified tolerance distance to another pipe node point. Suggest report also include Beam points with specified tolerance distance of other Beam point...
Mike Dattilio 8 months ago in Modelling 0 Needs review

Model Explorer: add the following features (ex. Tee type, Wave Type, etc..)

Please add the following features to AutoPIPE's Model Explorer: 1st approver 2nd approver Seismic code - indicate all in model to be selected Wind type - indicate all in model to be selected wave type - indicate all in model to be selected Materia...
Mike Dattilio 8 months ago in Reporting 0 Needs review

Import Caesar II model

I would like to import a Caesar II model. However, I was not able to. I asked for Bentley's tech support help, but I was directed to look at 'Import a Caesar II Neutral (CII) File' from AutoPIPE's help. It is just a general guide. There were a few...
Guest 9 months ago in Modelling 1 Needs review

Add design margins to piping loads being sent to structural

When it comes to exporting pipe support loads from AutoPIPE to STAAD, PipeLINK is an effective tool. While PipeLINK has most of the necessary functionality, there is a lack in the ability to add a Design Margin to the pipe support loads sent from ...
Guest 10 months ago in Reporting 4 Needs review

A need to track displacements of reference points?

how to track displacements of reference points? I understand that reference points are only used to track forces and moments but i want to see separately the displacement results of these reference points instead of manually searching node by node...
Guest 10 months ago in Analysis 1 Needs review

Extract system Response Spectra at decoupled connection points

The capability of producing FRS at some points is sometimes needed to analyze small bore branches. Generally, the small bore branches could be decoupled from the headers for seismic analysis, but these lines shall be evaluated separately using the...
Guest 11 months ago in AutoPIPE Pipe Stress 3 Future consideration

ASME Flange Summary to show both Operating and Seating in separate columns

Currently the results summary will show the worst case for the flange. ASME B16.5 flanges combined with spiral wound gaskets will commonly fail the seating condition check with the ASME division 1 checks. This can be ignored provided the operating...
Paul Nielsen 11 months ago in Reporting 0 Future consideration