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AutoPIPE Ideas Portal

Welcome to the AutoPIPE Ideas Portal. We value your feedback, and our team regularly reviews your ideas and considers them for future improvements to our products and services.

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All ideas

Showing 65

Apply wind Shape factor to pipe properties instead of everything as it varies due to geometry in AS1170.2

You currently only have 1 place to input the Wind shape factor and this is applied to all pipes but the value is different for each diameter in Accordance with AS1170.2. This value could be input in the pipe properties for individual pipe sizes, t...
Paul Nielsen about 2 months ago in Analysis 0 Needs review

Wind Load calculator for AS1170.2 for Australia

This would save time with setting up wind loads, anyone designing in australia would benefit. Competitors software already has this
Paul Nielsen about 2 months ago in Code 0 Needs review

Add Node/Support point text leader lines

When using AutoPIPE or relating an output report to a model, users need to be able to clearly read the indicated text on screen / screen shot added into an report. This is not easy in congested areas with how AutoPIPE currently displays informatio...
Mike Dattilio 5 months ago in UI 0 Needs review

ADD DVS (DVS 2210/DVS 2205) code

The DVS code is a technical code which includes fundamentals for the design, calculation, prefabrication and assembly of industrial piping made of thermoplastics and laid above ground. More clients are requesting for this code and would be a great...
Guest about 2 months ago in AutoPIPE Pipe Stress 0 Needs review

Add option in pipe support data "Support", column for "Rigid for Hydrotest"

Pls add option in the pipe support "Support" data, column to allow users option to check mark pipe support node points where spring rate/stiffness are provided. (Note: for spring types, default will have the check-mark activated). For example, usi...
Guest about 2 months ago in Analysis 0 Needs review

Add a button in Help>Online Resources that links to the most recent release

Have a newcomer or an old timer try to navigate all the difference paths available to try to find where to download the most recent release. How long does it take? Too long. Add a button in Help>Online Resources that links to the most recent re...
Guest 2 months ago in UI 0 Needs review

Add option to connect disconnected segments after PCF or other import

Very often we are tasked of cleaning an imported PCF or other imports. We notice quite a few disconnected segments as evident with anchors at the middle of runs. Very often the PCF import tolerance does not work, and many disconnections are import...
Karim Rinawi 2 months ago in  0 Needs review

Option to calculate transportational vibrations during shipment of the pipes

Currently, there is no option to analyze transportational vibrations on a pipe line when it is being shipping to a different location, specially for skid mounted piping. This allows users to identify shipping supports which can be removed after th...
Guest 3 months ago in Analysis 0 Needs review

PCF import: Provide better material mapping, e.g. use PIPING-SPEC

This is related to the limitation on the PCF Attribut Mapping tab. If we had the ability to map the PIPING-SPEC to a material then this issue would have been very easy to resolve.
Karim Rinawi 3 months ago in AutoPIPE Pipe Stress 0 Needs review

Stress Isometric: populate isometric title block

Add options to export data from AutoPIPE that will to fill in attribute data for a Stress Isometric title block.
Mike Dattilio over 1 year ago in UI 1 Needs review