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Created by Guest
Created on Jul 18, 2024

Consider the external pressure for ASME B31.8 / B31.4 offshore

As a subsea engineer using AutoPipe for modelling spools and jumpers, it is frustrating and misleading that AutoPipe does not account automatically for external pressure in all codes.

  • Guest
    Jul 18, 2024

    Hi Phil - For DNV it is included in the code checks and code stresses. However, it is a bit confusing that it is not automatically included in hoop stress. If I look at zero internal pressure case that is sumberged, hoop stress under general stresses shall be zero. Which I think is confusing.

  • Admin
    Phil Senior
    Jul 18, 2024

    Thank you Jason for your Idea. I assume you are referring to this being missing for the ASME offshore codes and not DNV as it is considered for DNV! If so can you make your idea title a little more explicit so others can support it if they have a similar interest.

    I agree that we should consider this, but historically never have.