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AutoPIPE Ideas Portal

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All ideas

Showing 70

Support Report: Remove all global results from Local columns

For V-stops and Hanger support types, the Support report prints global values as local values. Example, see attached image. Notice the Global axis direction is different from the indicated pipe's local axis direction. Next notice the support's Loc...
Mike Dattilio 11 days ago in Reporting 0 Needs review

Exporting .DGN of Code Stresses Color Graphics

Adding an option to export the Maximum Code Stresses Color Graphics in .DGN format. The user can utilize this feature to present the code stresses in a more visual way in Navisworks.
Fouad Tabbaq 4 days ago in Reporting 0 Needs review

Add features to include Type A/B fitting pressure factor for En13480 piping code

Add options into application that accommodates En13480 table A.2 specification for all fittings per En10253 requirements to define pressure factors to be applied to fittings of Type A and wall thickness requirements of fittings of Type B. Add opti...
Shrey Sharma 10 days ago in Analysis 0 Needs review

Add ability to group analysis sets which represent different analysis cases

Piping Stress, Pipe Support, and Foundation load generation require different analysis conditions using different seismic loads to meet differing code requirements. Currently, this is difficult to manage in the same autopipe file as users may have...
Sujaan Ahamed Fareed 17 days ago in Analysis 0 Needs review

Possibilité d'incorporer des tubulure rectangle/carrée

Nous avons très régulièrement des demandes client pour calculer des appareils suivant différents codes, avec des tubulures carrées et/ou rectangulaires. Est'il possible d'intégrer ce genre de tubulures dans autopipe vessel?
Guest 5 days ago in Modelling 0 Needs review

Add design margins to piping loads being sent to structural

When it comes to exporting pipe support loads from AutoPIPE to STAAD, PipeLINK is an effective tool. While PipeLINK has most of the necessary functionality, there is a lack in the ability to add a Design Margin to the pipe support loads sent from ...
Guest 10 months ago in Reporting 4 Needs review

Autosave the file after 1 minute

Kindly refer to the discussion in regard to the case no. CS0345238, regarding introducing autosave option after every 1 min or less. Similar feature is available in other stress analysis software can't same be availed in Auto PIPE as well, because...
Guest 10 days ago in AutoPIPE Pipe Stress 0 Needs review

Add a feature to apply impose displacement at any node point regardless of support settings.

This is to apply at nodes where support is not applied so the user can apply imposed discplacement regardless of support setting.
Guest 24 days ago in AutoPIPE Pipe Stress 0 Needs review

Add manufacturer library for SIF's to populate to meet B31.J as per B31.3 2020

Add manufacturer library to select for SIF's to populate to meet B31.J as per B31.3 2020
Guest over 1 year ago in Analysis 0 Needs review

Limit License selection to what is available to the account

On the configuration dialog, the user is given the option to select a number of different editions of AutoPIPE: Standard, Advanced, Nuclear. Suggest to grey out options that are not available to the account. Example: Account only has AutoPIPE Stan...
Mike Dattilio 3 months ago in UI 0 Needs review