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AutoPIPE Ideas Portal

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Status Will not implement
Created by Yasushi Nagao
Created on Aug 18, 2021

Release limitation of PIPE ID character length

Users of a company in Japan name PIPE ID under specific rule in P&ID and 3D-CAD while AutoPIPE has a limitation for PIPE ID's character length as 8 words. So they convert the PIPE ID for AutoPIPE limitation, but there is a possibility that it induces human error during modeling or consistency check between CAD model and analysis model. Also it needs converting rule which has likelihood to be barrier of development work in the future.

Please consider to release the limitation.

  • Yasushi Nagao
    Jan 13, 2023

    Thanks for the comment. I will ask the user to use the TAG to manage their PIPE description.

  • Admin
    Phil Senior
    Jan 12, 2023

    The Pipe ID is limited to 8 characters and changing would effect every report, grid, the database, help documentation etc. So for what might sound like a minor update it is a huge undertaking and cannot be currently justified. We provide TAG to be used to include more information about the pipe to help with this problem