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AutoPIPE Ideas Portal

Welcome to the AutoPIPE Ideas Portal. We value your feedback, and our team regularly reviews your ideas and considers them for future improvements to our products and services.

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Showing 19 of 142

display miter bends

When a bend is a miter display with the number of cuts or at least just one cut so they do not look like formed bends.
Kevin Koorey over 1 year ago in Modelling 0 Needs review

Tangent Elbows

Hi - is there a way to include consecutive elbows or bends in AutoPIPE? We have a model with back to back elbows and the model does not render the geometry well. Second, it appears that the Elbow forum is missing previous pages. Is Bentley still w...
Guest 7 months ago in Modelling 1 Already exists

Update Coincident Node Check report to include Beam points

Currently, coincident node check report only returns results for pipes nodes that are within the specified tolerance distance to another pipe node point. Suggest report also include Beam points with specified tolerance distance of other Beam point...
Mike Dattilio 8 months ago in Modelling 0 Needs review

Import Caesar II model

I would like to import a Caesar II model. However, I was not able to. I asked for Bentley's tech support help, but I was directed to look at 'Import a Caesar II Neutral (CII) File' from AutoPIPE's help. It is just a general guide. There were a few...
Guest 8 months ago in Modelling 1 Needs review

Model new piping geometry based on newly established local coordinate system instead of Global coordinate system

Use Case: If The entire model is using plant coordinates thus causing the entire system to be off AutoPIPE's global axis. Then, if the user needs to add new piping geometry it is very difficult to model in AutoPIPE using global coordinates. Users ...
Mike Dattilio over 1 year ago in Modelling 0 Needs review

Copy & pasting pipe components with existing soil Id's are not updated with new Soil Id names

Open PipeSoil.apc Notice the Soil id currently in the model. Select all of the model. Paste to any location after pasting, notice the number of Soil Id's has doubled. Recommend when coping / pasting pipe node points with existing Soil Id's that th...
Mike Dattilio over 1 year ago in Modelling 0 Needs review

Model Square pipe / ducting

Add the ability to model square piping / ducting
Mike Dattilio over 1 year ago in Modelling 1 Future consideration

"Selection types different" - Develop a permanent solution for this error Develop a permanent solution for this bug since 2015. Copy and pasting rows fro...
Sujaan Ahamed Fareed over 1 year ago in Modelling 0 Needs review

Create and Save selection set of node points and beam points

As of July 2023, after making a selection set (highlighted red) it may become unselected when choosing the next command or another location that is not apart of the selection set. The user may need to perform another command / modification to a pr...
Mike Dattilio over 1 year ago in Modelling 1 Needs review