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AutoPIPE Ideas Portal

Welcome to the AutoPIPE Ideas Portal. We value your feedback, and our team regularly reviews your ideas and considers them for future improvements to our products and services.

You have 3 options for providing feedback:

  1. VOTE for an existing idea. The popularity of an idea helps us understand its importance to the community.

  2. COMMENT on an existing idea. We want to hear your unique point of view.

  3. ADD a new idea. You can always submit a new idea if no existing one describes your suggestion.

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Status Needs review
Categories Code
Created by Mike Dattilio
Created on Jul 18, 2023

Add China Electric Power industry standard DL/T 5366

At present, the pipeline stress calculation specification is selected as the American standard, whether it is considered to refer to the Chinese standard DL/T 5366-2014. If there is no reference to this standard, then please ask whether this standard will be listed as a reference standard in the future