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Is it possible to include parasolid and step formats as import formats into Autopipe? The majority of the cad softwares are capable of exporting models as parasolid and step.
Best regards,
Muhammad Shahid Iqbal
Whether ISM tool is a inbuilt module comes with Auto-pipe or do we need to buy a seperate license for it ?
We can export to DXF but not import directly. We can take the point data from any CAD tool and configure this for centreline import via Excel. This has proven effective where no current translator is available. Converting IFC via our ISM tool, this might be worth investigating as a possible import option.
Hi Phil,
NX does support Parasolid, CGM, VRML, Autocad DXF/DWG, STL, OBJ, IFC, IGES, STEP, CATIA V4, CREO
Hi Rohan
Can you confirm what formats NX does support please. We do have a partnership with Siemens but as yet have not explored the interop with pipe stress.