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AutoPIPE Ideas Portal

Welcome to the AutoPIPE Ideas Portal. We value your feedback, and our team regularly reviews your ideas and considers them for future improvements to our products and services.

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  1. VOTE for an existing idea. The popularity of an idea helps us understand its importance to the community.

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Status Future consideration
Created by Sean Pellerin
Created on Sep 29, 2022

Reference Loads - Results Database

Currently, AutoPIPE does not have the option to export reference loads to a .mdb file. I want to be able to easily compare the Reference Loads to their allowable. This is most handy when you have radial nozzles. Please include the allowable loads in the results to easily compare.

  • Daniel Shook
    Apr 25, 2023

    We would like to have allowables loads referenced with both reference loads and anchor/node links. Users should be able to define the allowables, looks should be provided from standard codes like APR 560 or API 661, with an option for multipliers. There should be a user lookup as we often have standardized allowables for vessel nozzles. Typically all of these look ups are based on NPS and flange rating, at which point force and moments can be looked up.