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AutoPIPE Ideas Portal

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Status Already exists
Categories Reporting
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 18, 2024

Modal Analysis Results to include Modes Normalized

Modal Analysis Results to include Modes Normalized, the normalized result output would greatly help users locate which node points have the highest displacements where additional restraints could be needed to increase frequency at each mode results.

  • Admin
    Phil Senior
    Jun 27, 2024

    The Mode Shape we display to the screen in the animated plot is already a normalized result, there is also a report for all the values used to produce these mode shape. Most people use the visual animation to see the maximum displacing node for each mode, but it is important also to consider the mass participation and this is also reported. We just released colour plotting for displacement that also works with mode shape, so you can see both animation and colour of normalized mode shapes too. I believe you can use the plotting and report to already do what you are asking. Unless you can offer more information about what is missing I am setting this as Already Exists.

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