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AutoPIPE Ideas Portal

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Status Future consideration
Categories UI
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 8, 2024

Add a toggle button in segments grid to apply a transparency visual plot

Working with existing or future segments in large systems, it would be great to have a option to change their segments plot (like adding transparency). Something similar to older software like Triflex (see attached image).

  • Guest
    Feb 10, 2024

    Yes, that's fase two of the plant I'm working on. Those segments had to be in the same system because I need to consider their reaction forces and displacements. For calculations purposes, it's like all other segments, but It would be very usefulll to change their plot in the model to be different than fase one, just to facilitate viewing and presentation (today we only have the option to hide segments)... Same apply when working with upgrades in existing systems.

  • Admin
    Phil Senior
    Feb 9, 2024

    Thank you for you IDEA Eduardo. These "future segments" are they intended to be part of an expansion to the plant?

    If we provide Transparency by Segment that user controls, this would satisfy this requirement and could also be used by others to partially hide geometry.