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AutoPIPE Pipe Stress

Showing 146 of 148

Bolt Pre Tension

Possibility to declare bolt pre tension (eg, 40% or 50% of bolt SMYS) has to be provided in the Flange check.
Guest over 2 years ago in AutoPIPE Pipe Stress 0 Needs review

display miter bends

When a bend is a miter display with the number of cuts or at least just one cut so they do not look like formed bends.
Kevin Koorey over 1 year ago in Modelling 0 Needs review

Evaluate General Stress with contour

Requesting the contour style of the general stress. Not only code stress but general stress. We need a visual image with a stress contour to evaluate general stress qualitatively.
Yasushi Nagao 7 months ago in UI 0 Needs review

Add label box for flexible joints

It would be helpful if flexible joints could have a label or tag added. This would be similar to how many components in AutoPIPE have the ability to label components, such as supports and anchors.
Michael Cummings almost 2 years ago in UI 1 Future consideration

Tangent Elbows

Hi - is there a way to include consecutive elbows or bends in AutoPIPE? We have a model with back to back elbows and the model does not render the geometry well. Second, it appears that the Elbow forum is missing previous pages. Is Bentley still w...
Guest 7 months ago in Modelling 1 Already exists

Allow user to set the 6 color stress plot ranges as needed

While looking at the Color Stress plot there is a Key in the top left corner with 6 colors and corresponding ranges. These ranges are hard coded into the program. Give the user the options to set these 6 ranges as needed.
Mike Dattilio almost 2 years ago in UI 2 Future consideration

Angle measurement

It is important to know not only the distance between the two points but also the angle of the pipe with respect to the coordinate axes during creating and modifying a model. I would like you to add another item to the Tools menu called Angle Meas...
Guest over 3 years ago in AutoPIPE Pipe Stress 3 Future consideration

Apply joint efficiency factor to ASME B31.1 Expansion allowable

As an example, ASME B31.1 (2020) - section "102.3.2 Limits for Sustained Stresses and Displacement Stress Ranges" - para (b) Displacement Stresses provides the equation 1A for calculation of allowable stress range. Review the definition of Sc and ...
Mike Dattilio almost 2 years ago in Analysis 2 Future consideration

Specifying sub-report item under batch run by ntl files

I want to customize the output report items for an automation process. I'm building the system by ntl file. The dat file can customize them but the ntl file cannot.
Guest almost 2 years ago in Reporting 1 Needs review

Modal Analysis Results to include Modes Normalized

Modal Analysis Results to include Modes Normalized, the normalized result output would greatly help users locate which node points have the highest displacements where additional restraints could be needed to increase frequency at each mode results.
Guest 8 months ago in Reporting 4 Already exists